Tuna Lures
Looking for some epic tuna action? Zacatak’s tuna trolling lures are meticulously designed for top-of-the-line performance to dominate your target and bring home the big catch! You can browse just some of the many fish including yellowfin, bluefin, skipjack, albacore and bigeye tuna caught on Zacatak’s tuna lures below. Whatever your destination, whichever variety, be sure to spend time selecting the best tuna lures to get the most from your fishing trip!
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Species of Tuna
There are 15 species of tuna, but most anglers focus on fishing for Yellowfin, Bigeye, Bluefin, Albacore and Skipjack tuna.
Tuna is an open sea pelagic species, popular with big game fishermen the world over, from the Pacific coast of Southern California, USA to the North Atlantic coasts of Nova Scotia, Canada. The reason for this wide range of habitat is because tuna is one of the few fish capable of maintaining their own body temperature, allowing them to thrive in the chilly North Atlantic just as easily as warmer equatorial waters.
It's the row of fins and finlets along the belly of this tuna that give it the name Yellowfin. This tuna is also referred to as Ahi, the name for the fish in native Hawaiian.
Whatever name you call it, Yellowfin tuna is probably the most sought-after and caught offshore game fish. Prized for its meat, Yellowfin also gives the angler a good fight once hooked. The average Yellowfin tuna runs about 18 kg (40 pounds), but there’s been record catches as high as 194 kg (427 pounds)!
Yellowfin travel in schools and often can be found sharing water with other tuna species, dolphins, porpoises, and even whales. Like many in the tuna family, Yellowfin are warm blooded and extremely fast. They've been recorded swimming at 80 kph (50 mph).
While the ultimate location to fish for Yellowtail is said to be Puerta Vallarta, Mexico, you can fish for the pelagic predator the world over. They are popular game fish off the east coast of the United States from Rhode Island to Florida, however other popular sport fishing destinations include the Bahamas, the Galapagos Island, and of course, Hawaii. You’ll find many pictures of Yellowtail (and various other tuna!) caught on Zacatak’s tuna fishing lures below!
Bigeye is one of the two tuna species referred to as Ahi in native Hawaiian. It is about the same size as Yellowtail, the other Ahi species. It lives in cooler and deeper waters than other tunas. Highly migratory, this fish is always on the move and can be found in all tropical and subtropical ocean waters.
Easy to recognize, Bigeye have a metallic blue-black coloration along their backs and upper body and white along their lower half and belly. Their fins are yellow. Their bodies, like most tuna, are torpedo shaped and built for speed.
As you might expect, the eyes of the Bigeye tuna are highly developed and spherical in shape making their vision perfect in low-light environments.
One of the best ways to troll for Bigeye tuna is with an effective spread of tuna lures combined with a teaser. These big fish have big appetites, so be prepared for an explosion of a hit on your line! The bigeye tuna travel in schools, and multiple hits are common!
The Bluefin is the largest of the tuna family, and there are 3 subspecies: Atlantic, Pacific, and Southern. They can be found migrating across all the oceans - these fish are built for speed. Their torpedo-like bodies are huge, growing to 2.5 meters (6 feet) in length and reaching 250 kg (550 pounds) at maturity.
Bluefin tuna is a prized fish for sushi and a catch can bring the angler a half million US dollars or more! The demand for Bluefin is extreme and this has put pressure on population numbers, with the Atlantic Bluefin at greatest risk.
Trolling for Bluefin is the best way to cover vast areas of open ocean to effectively score the big catch. Creating an effective spread of tuna lures will be instrumental in catching a Bluefin tuna – check out our bestselling tuna lures below!
Albacore tuna, sometimes called longfin tuna, can be found and fished in the Pacific, Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Indian Oceans. They have elongated bodies, a conical snout, remarkably long pectoral fins, and very large eyes. Dark blue along the dorsal area, silvery on the belly and fins tinted yellow, the Albacore is distinct among tuna species.
Albacore is a white meat tuna and the backbone of the canned fishing industry in the US. Fresh Albacore is very tasty, making this sportfish highly sought after for both the fun of the catch and the enjoyable meal. The epicenter of Albacore recreational fishing is along the California, Oregon, and Washington coasts of the United States.
When trolling for Albacore, be sure that the size of your tuna trolling lures are close in size to the bait in the fishing area. Check out our tuna lure packs below or contact us for help to make the best selection!
The Skipjack tuna is a fast-swimming pelagic fish that has a streamlined body and hardly any scales. It is one of the most abundant fish in the tuna family. They are found mostly in the tropical areas of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.
Skipjack are purple on top and silvery on the belly with dark stripes running along their sides. Torpedo shaped, this tuna is a fast predator. While not fully warm-blooded like the Albacore, the Skipjack has a specialized circulatory system that gives it some ability to control its body temperature. This fish is prized among anglers for both the fight of the catch and the tasty meal that follows!
Skipjack travel in large schools and can be found mixed in with Blackfin tuna. It maxes out at 9 kg / 20 pounds, however it is one of the fastest swimmers and fiercest fighters in its weight class. The best method for fishing for Skipjack is trolling, and Zacatak Lures have the best big game tuna lures for your fishing adventure!
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